3 months in your audience started to grow. Great!You focused on one project and it worked. Whatever new brilliant idea comes your way. Look elsewhere.Stay focused on that one project. But I …
Build an audience first
This is the only piece of advice for someone that who wants to sell products online should ever receive. A lesson I've received many times myself.Yet, I seem to forget it now and then and make the …
Urbex the internet
500 hours of videos were uploaded to Youtube every minute in 2019.30,000 hours of new content per hour.720,000 hours of new content per day. Now that's only one platform. What about Twitch, Tik …
You can earn money creating animated emojis
Or the story of how anything can be turned into a product. I started to make emojis when working at Airbnb where I discoveredSlack. Over the years, I created numerous animated custom emojis formy …
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Second Life
Could I give this abandoned YouTube channel a second life? Earlier this month, I shared the story of my under-the-radar YouTube channel. It is almost inert but still received 85 hours of watch time …
My country?
My longtime friends and I are planning a weekend together.To join them, I need to cross the border to my country. But is it still my country? I don't feel like saying it anymore. This raises the …